Friday, December 16, 2011

The Olive Garden:)

So there's this place called Olive Garden. It's an amazing restaurant. They give you unlimited bread sticks, and they have some good bread sticks. They're buttery and i think that there's a hint of garlic in it. The staff serves it to you freshly made, and it's nice and warm. I love ordering their shrimp pasta, and actually, I love all of their pasta. It's so filling and delicious, it makes me wish that I could never be full. The aroma is scrumptious and mouth watering, and it fills you. It's a beautiful restaurant, it's large and very well set up. The lighting is perfect too, but on a Saturday night, you better be prepared for a 15-20min. wait. Which i guess isn't too bad depending on how you look at it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

spicy, but good

        November 9, 2011 my class and I went to a restaurant called Amin Indian Food Restaurant. We all ate he same things, Samosa are one of them.  Samosas’ are a three-sided pyramid kind of shape filled with potatoes, peas, etc. they are spicy, but they’re good.  They come on a plate with two sauces, one is green, and one is brown. I love both of the sauces.  I can’t remember, but I’m pretty sure one is spicier than the other. Overall, I would give 3 and one half stars without sauce, and 4 stars with sauce. 
   The second thing that I tasted was a Pakora.  It looked a lot like fried chicken.  I’m not quite sure what was in it or if it was chicken. I thought it was pretty good, but that it could use a little bit of salt.   3 and a half stars without salt, 4 stars with. 
The last thing that I tasted was Tandoori chicken. It was coated in an orange sauce on the outside and cut into small bite-sized pieces. The sides of it were white.  It tasted really good, and  I would give it 4 stars.

I recommend the Tandoori chicken.

(sorry, but the pictures kind of switched and they won't go to their correct spot.)

Maggie Browns

A little while ago, I went to this place called Maggie Browns. I went with my mother, grandmother, and brother. It's not the largest restaurant,but I highly recommend going there, because it's cheep, delicious food. We first ordered deviled eggs. It comes in sets of threes, but since there were four of us, our waitress gave us four deviled eggs. The staff is very nice and polite, and they serve the food at a decent speed. They also came frequently, like to check on you, or refill your drink.  But they don't come in an irritating, there-every-five-seconds, kind of way. I ordered the macaroni and cheese, and so did my brother I loved the taste of it, and the wonderful cheesy smell that made my mouth water, and my stomach growl. I couldn't finish it, though. There was so much of it. Their deviled eggs are absolutely amazing. they are so elegant looking too. The yellow part inside looked like it came out of a whipped cream bottle. Overall, I would give the place a little over four stars:)
           It's on 455 Myrtle avenue #B